Are The Braves Going To Break The Record For Players Used In A Season?


Earlier this week, I asked Braves beat writer Mark Bowman (@mlbbowman) about the possibility of Atlanta breaking the record for players used in a season, set by Texas last year (60 players):


With Arodys Vizcaino returning in 4 games and Jake Brigham and Manny Banuelos’ MLB debuts looming , Atlanta fans will see a lot of new faces this week.

The notion of using this many players in a year is interesting. Some may not like it, the naysayers will argue that we aren’t providing stability and its disrupting clubhouse chemistry. I for one, LOVE it. Getting a lot of guys a taste of the majors can go a long way. The Braves have had a mix of calling up players for injury, and calling up others to see what they can do. When September rolls around and the callups start, we could possibly see 61 guys in a Braves uniform this year. The bullpen has been a huge reason for the high number of players used, but as long as we can find some stability in that department, I hope we get as many guys as many reps as possible. I understand this may not be considered a good tactic for a team that is competing, but it could pay off in the long run. Using a good mix of guys who will be seeing the field in 2016 and 2017 is important to the chemistry of this club IN THE FUTURE. I know that Atlanta fans may not like how things are going this year, but I know the results will speak for themselves in 2 years.

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